“All nations you have made will come and worship before you, O Lord; they will bring glory to your name.” Psalm 86:9
Pontuk Encountered Jesus Christ for First Time

Pontuk, a woman seen sitting, from pictures above. She’s an unbeliever just like any other millions of Thai people. Pontuk was invited for the first time to attend our usual service on Sunday 25/11/17 at Baan Thawai Home Church, Chiang Mai. The Spirit of God convicted Pontuk of her sins when God’s Word was shared. At the end of the service, she came forward for prayer. When she was asked to repeat the sinner’s prayer, the evil spirit shut her lips. She could not say the prayers properly and was struggling to mention the name of Jesus. Seeing that, we all the believers in the room lifted our hands and voices in prayer toward her rebuking the evil spirit. She fell from the chair and had severe stomach pain and began to vomit, while we were still praying. We kept praying in the authority of the name of Jesus Christ and the evil spirit left her. She vomited and stomach pain vanished. After recovering from that encounter, Pontuk was rejoicing in tears and testified that she has just found a new life in Christ for the first time. Pontuk is her name. Pray that she will grow strong in her new faith and life in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Pray for the people of Thailand: Pray the Thais will hunger to know the forgiveness of sin, found only through faith in the work of Christ on the cross. Pray they will hunger to know God’s love, found through faith in Christ’s work and life. Pray they will turn away from their beliefs in the gods of this world.
By Paul Mondo.